
Drunken love 

In the arm a man I refuse to write about 

For words will never say enough. 

I swear we are one

Straight tequila on the rocks, please. 

Hands linked 

Intertwined in every nook possible 

Caressing every inch of my skin  

With only his thumb to my palm 

Legs tighten erratically 


I swear we are one 

His hand in mine 

Smooth strokes in and out

Reciprocated awareness

Fantasizing motion 

Tense with passion 

Subtle, but deliberate 

In and out 


Breath quickening 


I can’t breathe 

Right now, I mean

Writing these words 

Drown me 

In reality 

I feel the blood pulsing in my head 

I kiss him just the same

Uncanny familiarity 

Just like muscle memory 

I give myself to him 

Without thought 

I wrap my hands around his neck 

Grasping his throat 

With thrusting desire

and another man’s name at my tongue 

I don’t write down times like these 

We were never meant to remember 

Held somewhere intangible 

Between desire and denial 

Matter is not what matters

But rather its catalyzed catastrophe 

Now the ink’s exposed

After being set aflame 

Words still float between our lips 

The blue pen stains them cold 

You all know

Even him, the man in my arm  

The impermissible

Stronger than the liquor I down

The liquor, I drown 

Irresistible withdrawal

Agonizing hunger 

Lust feeds 

And guilt starves.  

Left my darkest desire 

Up in flames 

Nothing ever really goes away 

You were never really meant to stay 

Not with a woman like me 

The air 

We used to share 

Is now polluted and poisoned 

With betrayal 

My home used to be a person

But I abandoned that too 

I think part of me was urging to find something strong enough in myself 

To make me want to stay.