The Mosaic 

I tie my shoes the way I do 

Because my childhood best friend taught me at summer camp 

How to loop laces with my fingers in the shape of guns. 

Now it’s my party trick. 

I eat peanut butter on my eggs every morning

Because I watched my dad do it my whole life

And decided to try it once he left. 

Your Song is the only song that’ll make me cry 

The boy who gave me my first kiss in the 7th grade

Dedicated it to me at the top of the playground. 

He also ended up being my first love. 

My first everything. 

My favorite poem is The Invitation 

Which my college roommate left on my bed one day. 

We only saw each other when the other was asleep 

But our values at the core were both so pretty and pure

Oriah Mountain Dreamer connected us in our dreams  

I wear Hanes granny panties 

Hanging out of the tops of my jeans

Like the first girl I loved 

Who would pantlessly dance around her kitchen 

Naked and free 

The man who just left, 

Intertwined in me

In every which way 

Fostered my growth 

Into womanhood. 

Two separate stems, 

Swirled into one bouquet. 

The mug in which I pour my tea 

Sculpted and mended by him. 

The tray in which I ash my cigarette 

Painted and imprinted with him. 

Every vinyl I play 

Every thing I do 

Is traced with the footsteps

Of his fleeting existence 

The daisies you picked 

And left at my desk 

Were destined to wilt. 

At the time, those yellow rays saved me 

Brought me purpose 

And reason 

To exit my cocoon. 

But now their empty flower pot 

Remains present, but stagnant 

Empty, but complete 

In its own art form. 

As a reminder of the love we shared 

The depth to which we cared  

And a feeling I will never forget. 

Edited: No man is responsible for any human’s growth into womanhood (or adulthood). I now take pride in my journey–in my choices–by recognizing and appreciating that they were mine, and continue to be mine. I–and only I–own my decisions, my experiences, and my present and future moments.